In music we deliver a broad curriculum with an aim to provide an insightful knowledge of musical understanding, and quality of performance. We begin with basic theory of notation and rhythms as well as learning how to perform simple tunes on the keyboard. Developing the pupil’s knowledge of how music is achieved, created and delivered is very important and so is reinforced in every topic we approach.
Performing and composing different styles of music is encouraged in every topic throughout each term and will involve performances of a solo and group nature. Exploring the creative avenue in groups improves many basic human skills that are needed in the workplace later on in life, and confidence is built through solo performances also.
In the music curriculum we teach pupils how to extend the way they perceive different styles of music through their musical responses and their understanding of how musical elements work. This includes melody, harmony, rhythm, tempo, form, texture and timbre; the way these elements work together to create musical effects and traditions.
The curriculum is regularly updated to allow progression, through addressing weaknesses as well as strengths applying the disciplines that are needed for such a practical subject. It is aimed at developing pupils as a whole person, seeking to raise awareness through the arts within the school.
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